Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Experiences....Life and Death


Just wanted to blog....I feel like I need to, since I have so many thoughts and things in my head that I just needed to get out on paper some-how.....and not that I need this blog as a venting session, but just I feel I get more organized and just become a better person when I can journal, look as something and remember it....because to be honest if I DIDN'T write things down....I would be so confused and forgetting things left and right!!

So, the title of my blog is Life and Death....partly because my great uncle passed away this past weekend, and I just came back from the visitation last night. I have heard this question asked a million times before and today I'm asking it to myself.....Why is it that the older you get, the less you see your family, and when you do, it happens to be more at funerals and weddings than in our normal life?! I hate it!! I hate the fact that I don't get to see my family more!! Family, means everything to me...and I think it will mean even more, once I have a family of my own!! I might be crazy, but I LOVE MY FAMILY......I LOVE MY FAMILY SO INCREDIBLY MUCH....FOR ALL OF LIFE....THEY MEAN THE WORLD TO ME, THEY TRULY DO MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME......even though sometimes we all can get a little crazy....there isn't anything I would not do for any of them. I look at even my extended family uncles, aunts, cousins, and realize I am so incredibly blessed by God Almighty! I have so many incredible memories from my childhood, and at family get togethers....and even though I'm not that old.....it seems like in the last 10 years even, the family is pushed aside, and it's "every person for themselves" Are you kidding me?! I would do anything for my family, next to give my life and my possessions for my family....and then next to that there is God's family.....which I would also just about say is as close as my blood family....I see them more often that I see my real family back home....and I feel like I do have family at Stone Creek Church that have forever changed and altered the course of my life for eternity......I love them, ALMOST as much as my family :)

but anyway......I guess I just have this utter respect for my family.....my great uncles and aunts mean the world to me....they just have such rich lives and stories and have truly been blessed by God....my great uncle Charlie had 4 children, 8 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. He was also served in WW II in the Navy aboard the Attala, and also was able to DC in 2009 for an special recognition for his military service.... I guess my family is just full of people who really love each other and stuck together throughout the years! Maybe it has to do with growing up in a small farm town....I dunno, but I consider myself blessed to be in the family I am born into.....and to sit at the feet of such great and honorable people when I was younger.....I will always have a deep respect for my family, and I truly want to honor them, as I have seen first hand how family comes together and just does stuff...helps out whether big or small.......I have such a giving, gracious, and loving family to tell all the stories, I would have to write about 15 pages for people to understand....(maybe I should write a book! ha!) I totally understand the saying, when you marry.....you really do......for all it's worth, you marry into the family as well......you become a part of something much larger than yourself, your schedule and preferences change....and you do that......well at least I do....out of respect for my family......I conclude with this......Don't miss out on your own family.....Take time for your family.....You can NEVER go back in time.....time only continues to push us forward....as we look forward we are leaving a legacy behind us.....What kind of legacy am I leaving? I know priorities and things have to change the older I get.....My parents did a good job of raising me....but I want to do an even better job of influencing the people, kids, and family that will come after me........also....I think of how Jesus lived.....He lived the life of a legacy, worthy, and honorable, ONLY because he was an obedient child to His Heavenly Father....He spent time with Him.....EVERY DAY.......my greatest thing in my life I want to pass on to people, is nothing about me really, but I want people to KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that God LOVES them....that God's love in me, would be bigger than myself...that people would know they are loved for eternity!

I know this is long, but just thought I'd share with you

In His Steps,


Monday, September 20, 2010


Hey folks,

My job, in the last few days, has got me thinking about the government and Jesus.....weird and strange combination, I know but, still something to blog/think about.....It is just odd to me, that to get things done at the business level, you have to go to the top, and even then, that doesn't work. In my job now I have to talk on the phone to managers/owners of different businesses in town. Which is fine, but when I ask them to do something, it's like they automatically say "OH, WELL WE CAN'T DO THAT...THAT'S DONE IN CORPORATE OFFICES...IN FLORIDA, OR INDIA....or wherever it may be....and then they give you an 800 number that puts you through an automated system, then you get transferred two or three different times to the correct person that you need to speak to, and then.....LOW AND BEHOLD, YOU GET....(drum roll please)...TA DA TA DA....THEIR ANSWERING MACHINE!!!! WOAH!!! WOW....now you have to speak to an answering machine where the person on the other line and easily delete your message or in some cases take a week to respond to you message......so this is corporate America.....what ever happened when you could walk into a business, and speak with the owner, and get things done, and not have to get the run around.....

I am SO THANKFUL AND GLAD that our Heavenly Father does not have an answering machine, or ever goes on vacation, or steps out of the office, or is to busy with other people to notice our prayers, our needs, our hurts, our desires......Our Lord CARES....truly I believe it, even if things don't work out the way we planned, or in the timing that we want it to!! It's like the Hillsong lyrics from Tear Down the Walls that say...

Cause I don't need to see it to believe it..
I don’t need to see it to believe it
Cause I can’t shake this fire burning Deep inside my heart
This life is Yours and hope is rising As Your glory floods our hearts
Let love tear down these walls That all creation would Come back to You It’s all for You

We don't have to see or have life planned out where we will be 5 or 10 years from now....I believe life is about letting God direct you to go, and then me having enough courage to follow wherever He is leading me......no matter if people understand it, no matter if people like me or not....no matter what the circumstance....I believe what the bible says in James 4:7-8, 10

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up

When we Draw near to God He will draw near to us.....but notice the bible does not say WHEN WE DRAW NEAR....it just says simply....DRAW NEAR....that is what we are to do.....it is not an IF/THEN situation.......the more I live the Christian life....and follow God, and the direction of the Holy Spirit.....the more things become a matter of just plain discipline.....and dependence.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Today: Location....Starbucks...my home away from home....

So I have been reading for my ISOM classes....I've spent more time that I'd like to at Starbucks reading, and reading....and reading some more.....but I believe good things happen when you read....YOU LEARN!! HEE-HEE!! IMAGINE THAT!!! but it is good to learn none-the-less!! but anyway....why is it that when you truly read the bible, you come away different....I believe that it should happen every time when we read God's inspired Word!!!! When I truly encounter Jesus when reading the scriptures....it changes me!!! or at least I want to change, and with the Holy Spirit leading I will!! :) but I think to change anything beyond ourselves, takes what the apostle Paul had....or exemplified in the bible.....Dependence, and Discipline!! Dependence on God...and Discipline to daily walk out His Christ-filled life with prayer and devotion to Our Creator!! I need that for sure!!!

Some Quotes/Thoughts from today:

"Opportunities should be approached in two ways--to seize them and to build them"

"Communicating Christ clearly involves both clarity and sincerity. Our message is not only WHAT we say, but also HOW we say it and who we ARE!"

Believers should pray in these ways:

1. pray specifically and regularly for non-believers we know
2. pray for divine appointments
3.pray for each other

BOTTOM LINE: PRAYER IS ESSENTIAL FOR OUR CHRISTIAN LIVES, AND FOR EVANGELISM!!!! Unless God works in our hears and lives, our work will not produce lasting results!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Just another day, Just another blog


Just another blog,

I think the biggest and hardest thing sometimes to deal with and move on, and learn from in life, is when you feel like you've been abused, neglected, or taken advantage of. I think we've all experienced something similar at one point in our lives....and I can testify that it just hurts, plain and simple. It hurts my heart, my bones, not physically, but spiritually, in my soul....I feel like how David felt when he wrote the Psalms......I've realized that forgiveness sometimes is hard.....but this cannot be a window to immediately forgive another person and for them to have that right to use and abuse you again, either.....I've realized I have to stand my ground, so if this means I have to tell everyone no, and that I can't help them....SO WHAT!! I'm doing it now, partly for my own sanity, and can I just say that Jesus is the FIRST person who should be helping them anyway, if they are a Christian!! We should NOT have to be responsible and save their life, by giving our life and everything we have away!!!!! I also feel that if we do do that, most people are never truly grateful, or thankful, or at least do not seem to show it....I think our society has trouble showing our thankfulness to others....

In this though, I've realized to look at things from God's eyes, when I get an attitude that is not Christ-like.....How many times have I abused Christ in my life......How many times have I left Christ hanging, or blown Him off....(like doing laundry is THAT important!!) I've realized that God loves me with a GREAT, ETERNAL, PASSIONATE, EVER LASTING, UN-ASHAMED, UNFORGIVING, DEEP, FATHER-LIKE, UNTAMED, BURNING, AND AMAZING LOVE........ok now to just think about how incredibly much God loves us is just CRAZY, and almost not enough words could accurately describe His love....to truly realize God has always loved us from the beginning of time, and will always love us until the end of the age....is just unthinkable!!! BUT.....then to also realize that He loves everyone the same.....that the foot of the cross is level when Jesus looked out and saw us.....that I am no better off that the person standing next to me.....is humbling......God's love is what keeps me going.....I tell you what, I KNOW that if it wasn't for God's AMAZING LOVE I would not be alive today. LOVE is what changes things.....when you harbor hatred and bitterness inside of you, it's like drinking poison and just sitting around waiting for the other person to die!!!! IT DOESN'T HAPPEN!!! DUH!!!!!!! SO WE NEED TO STOP THIS!!! I NEED TO STOP THIS!!!! We are not serving Christ and loving others when we do this!!!!!

Peace, Love and Grace,


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

On my mind...

Here lately there have been many things I've just noticed.....especially sin, and how it's all around us!!! I've seen many people in town, and in different countries wandering aimlessly....lost, not knowing who Jesus is, or how He can transform their lives for eternity.

I think this is a wake up call for Christians. We have a huge job to do!! We have to witness like never before....We never know when our last day will be....and I don't want to be found with a few friends, with my head in the ground, oblivious to the sin and evil that is going on in the world today. God calls us, just the same as He called His disciples 2000 years ago....But you know, the disciples, they just didn't stay in their own comforts, or witness to a few people, they were WORLD CHANGERS!! That is what God is calling us to be when we are His disciples!! Jesus said in Matthew 4:6 and Mark 1:17 "Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men!"

Now, when you want to follow someone, do you rush ahead of them to cut them off in line to the bathroom, or the water fountain?!!! NO!! (only small children do that!!) but what do you do if you follow someone, especially if you are following someone where you have never been in down-town Chicago?? You don't rush ahead for sure...because you would probably either get lost, or get into an traffic accident!!!!

But so many times I think I have rushed ahead of God, and looked back to be like "UMMM HELLO, GOD....WHERE U AT??!!" and He's stopped and made a left turn like 5 miles ago, and I kept on going straight like a know it all!! We have to get behind God and His vision, His purpose, His calling on our lives, and then follow Him closely, like if you were to follow someone to the crime scene, and all you had to go by was their footprints!

We have a job to do....."Come, follow ME and I will make you fishers of MEN!"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I feel a....blog coming on!!! :)


I feel like I could blog and talk about this day, and so many things that happened, both good and bad, it would take like 4 or 5 pages to tell....but I will try to summarize.....

My life verse for today: Philippians 2:3 Do not be selfish: don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.

I think a lot of today has to deal with being selfish, and wanting things for selfish motives and reasons. I think all I need to know is that I am a sinner, in need of a savior, Jesus Christ. In the bible Philippians 2:5-7 "You must have the same attitude that Jesus Christ had, though he was God, he did not think of equality of God as something to be cling to, Instead he gave up his divine privileges and was born as a human being, When he appeared in human form he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal's death on a cross."

Jesus was Self-less, not Self-ish I think selfishness is the root of a lot sins we commit today....we steal, cheat, lie, attack others, have anger, bitterness, envy, and pride issues, because we are selfish, and want to make ourselves look better than what we are, or we truly don't know who we are, because we don't look to God as the source of our identity from the get go.

Ok I confess.....My feelings were hurt. I feel left out, not belonging to any group or anything....so you think...no big deal, so what, get over it......and you're right for thinking that....ya know that's just life, people hurt you, whether on purpose or by accident.....but still they hurt you.....and sometimes when it's friends....it takes a while to let it all go, and look at the person, not based on anything previous....to truly forgive and forget.....all I can say is that throughout my life I need a lot of people to forgive me, because I've made many many mistakes, many things I have said wrong......and the only thing to do...is to forgive....I have to do my part to make amends, to admit I am wrong, to say I'm sorry....and to repent. but that in case: It is easier said than done.....but I truly believe that in order to forward in our spiritual lives we must learn the lesson of forgiveness. Lack of forgiveness creates a crack or hole in our spiritual walk with God that will continue to grow until it is mended or taken care of. Jesus....help me to learn the power of true forgiveness.

Genesis 50:17

This is what you are to say to Joseph: I ask you to forgive your brothers the sins and the wrongs they committed in treating you so badly.' Now please forgive the sins of the servants of the God of your father." When their message came to him, Joseph wept.

Forgiveness is something we need to do: As Joseph's brother did in the bible, humbling as it was.....we are do that to others, weather they need it or not, whether we feel like it or not.....better to forgive sooner than later.....As God has forgiven us, so we should forgive others.....I know it is easier said than done, but better done than not done. Lord forgive me of my selfishness today!!!

Over and Out,


Monday, August 9, 2010

Realizing things about life a little at a time today :)

Hey folks!!

I'm blogging again. I feel like maybe I should be blogging more, and I would but I don't have my computer around or internet access to do so, at the moment I am thinking "ohh, I should blog about this..." but ok here goes about today's story. Let me first preface though, I just came back from Japan not even a week ago, still a little jet lagged, (everyday I want to take a 2 hour siesta) hee-hee!! but I have applied for over 6 teaching jobs, waiting to hear back, and so I had an interview for one of the jobs here, and I think it went ok. I don't think I'm the best at interviews, but it is over now....but the story I want to share happened just before my interview. I was talking to my sister on the phone in the parking lot (probably people driving by thought I was a little weird, but anywhoo...) and I was like just pray for me right now! and she did, and then I was a little less nervous about the interview, and then I said something, I don't even know where it came from....I think Pastor Grogan has said this before, but I said it out loud to my sister.... "ya know I'm working for Jesus if I get this job or not....whatever I do, I gotta work for Jesus....because I was just talking to her about how I wanted to just share Jesus' love and his salvation with other people, doing ministry full time, that's where I think God is leading me, that is my heart's cry, I truthfully want nothing else in life.....but when I said that to my sister, she was like "yea you're right!" and I can't even explain the confidence I had come over me, like this peace, that everything would be alright no matter what, no matter if everything in life came down on me!!

I have to be working for Jesus wherever I am at, like at church, at school, at my job, in class, cleaning the apartment, to be working for Jesus, and do things right and do them with excellence. I want excellence in all that I do for Jesus, not just a little work here, and a little there.....dude...Jesus deserves my best and so do other people, and my job, and everything else in life. Jesus has given me new life, and I am do be a steward in ALL that I do, and do it unto the Lord....the bible says in Galatians "whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God!" DUDE!!! JESUS IS THE SWEETEST THING!!!!!!!! :)

Over and Out,

aka pdiddy
aka pudd

Monday, July 26, 2010


If my life could ever be summed up in a few words, it would have to be.....that I love Jesus with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, and also that I truly love other people!!! SO SO MUCH!!!!! It brings me to tears, how much God just simply loves us, and He loves for us to love Him!!!! I'm in awe of Pastor Grogan's sermon on Sunday and I pray that it will never leave from me....he said God isn't after our money...He's after our life!!!!! DUDE!!!!!! I LOVE JESUS!!!! I just want to run right now and shout it in the streets!!! GOD IS SOO GOOD, and just amazing!!! looking back in my life and even now in Japan, how I got here, and how God has provided, I am overwhelmed, and in awe of God's provision!!!! I AM SO THANKFUL AND GRATEFUL FOR JESUS!!!! GOD IS EVERYTHING TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

MY BRAIN....It thinks WAY to much I think!!!! :) hee!!

Hey everyone!!! I hope you are all doing well!! I can't believe it's the last week of July almost!!! Where does the time go??!!! GOSH!!! I am having so much fun here in Hokkaido Japan, it has been awesome, cool, fun, and just about every amazing describing word you can think of!! :) I have truly had the best day today...Church was awesome today!!! There was a Korean guest speaker and also 3 Korean violinists, which were very AMAZING....can I just tell you the music was just so relaxing and very inspiring to listen to, you know some music you have to have words to put with it to understand it....other times acoustic music is the sweetest thing there is!!!

I believe there are life lessons God has for us to learn along our journey of life here on this earth. I felt like God was speaking to me this past week, and from the mouth of a child. Fukumori's grand-daugters are here visiting, and Kokona is just 3 years old, and so beautiful and I was getting The Noah's Ark puzzle out to make it together. She helped me dump out ALL the pieces on the floor.....(it is a pretty big puzzle...considering all those animals!! hee!) and I started to help her make the outside edges first right....it's the easiest way to make a puzzle! but she kept grabbing and taking all the pieces from me...saying in Japanese words...."It's mine!" (I think)...so I kept taking pieces from her for like a minute or two, trying to make at least one piece....and then I gave up...and I was like thinking to myself..."well there is no use for me here, I can't help you when you, when you won't give me any pieces to work with!" and I felt like God spoke right to me, as this was happening saying...."I can't help you with things in your life when you don't share them with me!!" See I battle a lot with things of SELF....I let my flesh get in the way of things....so many blessings, so many opportunities, that I miss, because I do things the way "I" want to do them!!! "But GOD!! I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING IT'S MY LIFE!!!" I have thought that before....like I don't want God's help.....and God becomes like I did.....but WAIT...you know the funny thing is....God has never moved from us....WE are the ones who have moved from Him!! I need to quit being selfish and just surrender to Him, and His ways of doing things.....and how long does that take?? Probably until I perish from this earth....and see Jesus face to face with all the angels in heaven!!!! I think pastor Grogan said before in one of his sermons "Dude...Life is not about You....Life is about serving others.....We need to let go...and Let God!!!"

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Hey folks,

I hope you are having an AMAZING day!!! If not....just look around you, go outside, listen to the birds, see the flowers, God made this day, and EVERY day for us to enjoy!!! :) We are a blessed nation for sure!!

I just want to update everyone on how things are going here for me, and what I've been doing the last few days. Today is Sunday...A team of 5 college students came over from Sapparo, about 2 hours away, to help out with the Bazaar this weekend, and to put on a kids' camp for the church!!! and I had NO idea what was going on...or to to be happening, or how I was to help out...but it turned out better than what I even expected!! Friday afternoon these students came, and were just serving helping to clean the church, and spending time decorating and cooking food for the Bazaar....it was just so cool to see them working, and I dunno, it almost put me to shame, seeing them work so hard, and me, I had no idea what to do...I helped out a little, nothing like what they did.....this team even brought puppets, and also did a skit for the kids too!! SO COOL! so all evening they were setting up, Saturday they came to help finish getting the church ready...probably over 70 kids came from all over town, some just to get food, but they indeed got more :) (at least they heard about Jesus!!) While the students came and paid to get all kinds of good home-made Japanese food....fried bread, crepes, Japanese noodles, Tacoyaki...(fried octopus) icecream, curry w/ rice, hotcake, juices, caramel corn, and home made cotton candy!! So much food...but also skits and stories about Jesus, and we practiced and sand two songs from sister Act II Joyful Joyful and O Happy Day....It was awesome!!! I only wish I could have video of it!!! SO FUN, AND FUNNY TOO!! :) and then, we had the kids back at 7pm to go to the chapel/church on the hill, to start camp, and hear message from the students from the university....and then today the students did human video in church....SO COOL!! I will have to put up videos for everyone to see!! It was a blast this weekend, probably the coolest thing I've seen or done yet!! God is moving in Japan, just pray for strongholds in shrines to be broken!!!! God has so much in store for this country!!!! I know it!!!

I probably have learned over 10 lessons about life and ministry in this weekend alone....to see ministry done by another Japanese church/college ministry was just amazing to watch, and see how they reach their own people....we Americans think we have it all figured out about how to evangelize people....when sometimes we forget to hear from God on how HE wants to use us to spread His Word to people of all nations throughout the world. I learned the importance of prayer....Prayer, really is like shield....like forgetting to take your umbrella with you in the midst or a huge down poor...or forgetting to put on sandals, when there is a blizzard going on outside....We have to be prepared, for whatever the day ahead faces...and can I just tell you, without prayer, you can easily get knocked in the face!!

All I know, is that after watching this family for over a month, I have watched them pray, for just about everything, before EVERY meal....(um, and yes sometimes they even sing a song before they pray too) and even before they put the key in the ignition of their car, they pray for safety, and the pastor gets up EARLY every morning to pray....they are a praying family.....and God sees and hears our prayers....and surely answers us, in one way or another.....What if your prayers really did change your life, and every people around the world?? Would that change the way you pray or how your pray or what you pray for??!!! The bible says we have not, because we ask not. Have you asked....or prayed or talked to God today?!

God will answer you if you but ask....Matth 6:33 Seek first The Kingdom of God and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


HEY!!! Everyone!! I am in AWE of how many people have wished me a Happy Birthday!!! I just want to personally thank each and everyone one, for all the birthday wishes!! It truly means so incredibly much, especially being in another country!! AND thank you mallory for telling me skype with choir people!! I miss them so much! You the saying goes, you never know what you have, until it's gone.....for me that is people!!! People are so precious!! a person can never be replaced!! Things, are easily replaceable, but people, even people who have gone before us will never be forgotten, especially by God Almighty!! Who knows our Name, who knows our every thought, knows each tear that falls, and hears us when we call....(good song btw) God made each of us so unique so different!! What a great big mighty God we serve that he never gets to old, or lacks creativity, in that there is over 6,800,000,000 or 6.8 billion people on the earth right now!!! according to google stats!! haha!! AND...in all those people alive today, EACH and EVERY person is uniquely made and formed into the image of God!!!

This tells me we have a job to do.....to love and tell others they are created and loved so much by the God of the universe who holds the world in his hands!!! He made every person by his breath, and created us so perfectly and unique in fact, God took his own hands to form us, carefully sculpting everything about us, both inwardly and outwardly, humorous and funny, as well as nerdy and smart, and beautiful, and precious in His sight!!! We need to be who God made us to be, and then be BOLD enough to WALK in it!!! and not shy away from His calling!!! We need to get off the fence and use what we have to get in the game to win people to Christ!!! We cannot wait another day....we never know when our last day will be...We are blessed to be a blessing, Will we be that blessing to other people, to someone who needs a fresh word, or touch today?? Or will we stop and keep the blessing for ourselves??!! I have to get in the game folks!! No more sitting on the side lines, no more being a luke warm Christian....I've heard it said many a time before....You are only as close to God as you want Him to be!! AND yes this is so true!!! How close are we??!!! How close to you want to be??!!! I want to be so close to God as to smell the breath and hear His heartbeat!!!! But, that does come overnight, or instantly, it takes time to hear a heart, and to know a person and to feel their breath upon you!!! It takes diligence, patience, a stillness....but it is SO WORTH IT!!!! I wouldn't trade anything for the God we serve!!! God I need a fresh touch, I need a fresh Word today!!!! Help me to quite myself as to hear Your heartbeat and feel Your breath as I live out my day today!!!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Hey folks!!! I hope you having an awesome week!! as always it seems like the week just simply flies by!!! But just wanted to share a few things with you about what's been happening this week:

I've taught about 20 students English classes this week: I've been able to ride my bike around town, and also help out and sing some songs in English in church on Sunday, I get to sit in on the pastor's bible study which is pretty sweet!! and I get to eat some really good Japanese food!!! but besides all that, God is doing amazing things, not only in the church, and in people's lives in the community here, but in my life as well. I can't help but think how much God loves these people!! and he's sent me....over 6,300 miles to love these people and tell them about Jesus!! DUDE!! It's soo AMAZING!! Keep praying that lives would be changed because religion, both Shinto and Buddhism have such a stronghold in people's lives, even in the government!

BUT.....GOD IS SOO COOL!! There is an older lady in one of the English classes, her name is Yuko, she is so sweet!! she has three children all college age and older...and one of her daughters is handicapped. Well in Japan if your children are handicapped, it creates a bad stigma, and people don't want anything to do with it, and it makes it very hard on the parents. So Yuko every week meets with parents of children who are handicapped like hers and talks with them, like a support group. So, she found out that I teach Special Education in America, and wants me to speak at the next meeting they have on Thursday at 1pm!! What a SUPER COOL Opportunity to tell them about Jesus and his unfailing, all powerful, never-ending love for every person in the entire world!!! Pray that God would give me the words to say to them!!!! and I would know how to present the gospel, simply, clearly. I love you all so very very much!!! May God get all the glory both now, and forever!!! MISS YOU ALL!!!!

In His Steps,

Crystal CH :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday nite...YES I KNOW THE DAY TODAY!!! PTL!!!

Hey everyone this blog probably won't be that long because I had typed a whole thing out, and the firefox internet I was using just crashed and I didn't have time to save anything!! ARGH!! I apologize but hope you will understand!! But here are a few thoughts/experiences I have had about today....hope you will enjoy!!

Today was an awesome day, well this whole week has been a good week, but a week of transition, transition from busy-busy city Tokyo live, to Asahikawa, where there are more trees than people....I jokingly say that though because everything here is MUCH MUCH more spread out than in Tokyo/subarb area and the houses AND streets look much more like they do back home in America....but this week I had Fukumori sensei's son come and help with translation, and get me around places in town here...and BOY did I need the help....please pray for me, as next week I will not have any to interpret, but will have to work harder to understand Fukumori sensei and his wife and what they want me to do....I only know about 10 words that I can pronounce and use correctly....I also realize it is important to make sure Fukumori sensei's wife is well taken care of...and realized this week that she makes a lot of the decisions around the house, and always keeps track of the checkbook, and it's interesting to me because the Fukumori family does not go out to eat....I have not been out to eat since I came here seven days ago...which is fine by me, because let me just tell you Fukumori sensei's wife cooks HUGE meals....FOR EVERY MEAL!!!! and the bad thing is, is that almost all the food is really good...except for the soy products......so I will not go hungry by ANY means....Mrs. Fukumori cooks almost a 5 course meal, for every meal!! and I am the permanent professional dishwarsher....for every lunch and every dinner, everyday of the week until I leave!!

So today was interesting because I was able to go to a Bakery store, that was in a person's house...and all the bread was homemade...the onion cheese bread was SO AMAZING and SO FRESH!!!! I didn't realize how much I missed bread!! Then we went to a cake store....where there pretty amazing cakes, chocolate, mouses, pies, and even cheesecake!!! YUM!! Also today I taught an English class, and also had a kids class, I didn't realize how much little tyke's LOVE balloons!! :) I also realize the people here LOVE to look at pictures!! :)

The Fukumori family I am staying with is pretty AMAZING!!! Fukumori sensei has 5 children that are older....either in college or married....and it is pretty cool that their 2 daughters travel home every single weekend with gas being over 6 US dollars/gallon to go to church and help out with worship, and with the children's church!!! A lot of Americans to go church when they are young, but once they get to college they quit going all together...more Americans need to be dedicated to a local church like their family!!!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers if you read this....That by far is the most coolest thing anyone could do for me!!! I truly am having a fun time here....but realize there are people hurting and dying and need to know who Jesus is, and how much He loves each and every one of us!! Also pray that I continue to be disciplined in reading my bible and praying everyday....it was really cool to vacuum the other day downstairs, where the old church used to be....and I had heard earlier people getting up and moving things outside...but didn't realize til I went downstairs that the pastor and his wife were getting up early to pray....and I went downstairs to vacuum, and found the little pillows they had used to sit on while they prayed!!! Pretty cool!!! I just want the church here to grow...I want seeds to be planted, and lives to be changed, but all for GOD'S GLORY!!! Jesus give me strength!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

WOW...What day is it again???!!!

Hey everyone!! Hope your day is going well!!! Mine is...or still is, since is like 11:30 and I should be sleeping now, but I really can't!!! I dunno I just feel like I need to write. Lots of thoughts in my head are floating around!!! AAAHHH!! DANGER DANGER....well ok just kidding....

but as I was going to bed, which I usually do pray before I go to bed, and talk with Jesus ya know...it helps me sleep....I felt His presence...and just was talking with God and just realizing how many people in this town of 200,000 people or more do not know Jesus.....I realized my heart breaks for those people. Because they are really missing out, PLUS they are headed to Hell if they don't know Jesus. We have to do something....we have to open our mouths....Jesus said in Mathew 28:19 and 20. NLT version....

"Therefore go, and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you, and be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age"....

There are so many people all over the world, all over our town, that need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ!!! and I heard Jesus say to me in my bed tonite that I am to Tell others about Jesus, wherever I go, whatever I do.....I feel that is my calling, THAT is what I want to do with my life, everyday that I life!! That's me!!! Lord USE ME!!! COMPLETELY!!!

The Lord has kind of confirmed a lot of things for me that past few years.....I asked God if I was to go to Japan this summer....He would have to provide!! and not only He did....but I have hundreds of dollars more than I asked for......Everything in my life, pails in comparison to what Jesus has and who he is in my life!! With Jesus I have all that I need.....even though when I get back to Urbana I do not have a job, and do not know what I will be doing, or where I will be living for sure yet....but I know there is a God who will supply for ALL of my needs!! AMEN!!! I KNOW THIS.....according to his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus!!! Phillippeans 4:19 DUDE....can I just tell everyone how COOL and AWESOME GOD IS!!! I love me some JESUS 4-SHO!!! JESUS IS MY HOME DAWG.....and nothing can beat it!!!! PRAISE THE LORD, O MY SOUL PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!

ok I have to sleep now....I still am confused on my days of the week it is here in Japan too!!! JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL!!!! OH YEAH.....and get this....I got to eat macaroni today!!! SO AWESOME!!!! :) I love the Fukomori family!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


WOW! It's hard to believe i'm in Japan, and yet I've been here 11 days already.....I just can't help but think of how many people have given and sacrificed and prayed for me while I was preparing and getting ready and am now here....it's just so cool to me....i just can't really even explain it....it leaves me speechless, and very humbled and honored to be here, to be able to share God's love with people!!!

I feel though I did everything right today passing out flyers, both early this morning and for an 1 and 1/2 this afternoon....but I can do everything wrong to, by not spending time with God everyday, talking with Him, and reading His Holy Scriptures...I have decided I have to be disciplined this summer....in a lot of things and areas in my life......no only spiritually, but physically and financially, and emotionally too....God wants me as a whole person, not a person with holes....and that takes discipline and sacrifice.

Jesus may you get the glory and the honor and all the praise from me this summer as I work here in Asahikawa, Hokido....Lord I just want your Word to go forth, pure, simple, child-like....because you said the kingdom of God is like child....We are all your children...Lord help me to understand the pastor here, and my I encourage him and his family!!! To God Be All The Glory!!! FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER!!! AMEN!!!

oh yes and may I just add...that while I was going today to pass out flyers, for all you read this and care....I was going past a hospital clinic, and was putting flyers on people's cars, and this older guy came out and said in plain english...."Are you Crystal"?? and I was like WHAT.....HOW DOES THIS GUY KNOW MY NAME!!! AAHH! SCARY...just a little....and so I said yes and that I was teaching English here....ok so fastforward like 8 minutes and I am a block down the road, and here comes a white van....with this SAME GUY and 2 other people......and they all roll down their window...."ARE YOU CRYSTAL" OH BOY...I'm thinking!!! HOW DO THEY KNOW ME!!! but i started talking to them...they wanted to know where I was from in America and what I was doing here, and if I liked World Cup...and told me America won their game, and so did Japan....they asked me what I did back in America....so it was cool in the end....i asked if any of them were doctors and one guy said he was....and then they drove off!!! WOAH!!! like cool, but like scare too!!! but I guess with 4,000 flyers around town people would see my face and be like, I know her, I suppose......I dunno.....kind of CRAZY though!!! I was shaking in my boots for like 10 seconds when it happened, it felt so....surreal!!!!! AAAHH!!!.....but I'm excited to teach English tomorrow!!! I really want this church to be blessed by my teaching...so if anyone reads this can you pray for me??!!! and also pray for pastor Fukomori and his family too!!! I LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL!!!!!


Monday, June 14, 2010

June 14th The next day

So I probably should of started blogging from the day I left, which I will try harder to now, because it helps me to write things down on paper :) Today was a good day...Pastor Fukamori sense's son came today, and he will be here for a week to help translate!! PRAISE THE LORD!! the more I understand the little Japanese I know....the more confusing it is!!! They read two different ways...traditional which is up and down and from left to right....or more modern way is the way we Americans read...right to left.....so anyway....I talked with April and Lisa Monroy on skype today which was by far the COOLEST thing EVER!!! it was just cool to see familiar faces!!!! AAAHHH!! I worked on my English classes which will start on Wednesday....and also passed out about 150 flyers with information about me teaching English to people around town...and will do the same tomorrow morning!! The food here is good...they eat a lot of tofu, which is ok, not my favorite....but they eat a LOT of vegetables...which is probably why people are so healthy here!!! people walk or ride their bike everywhere here...but the roads here are much wider, and more people drive here....because the towns in Hokido are spread out....no subway/or trains....only buses. I did get to be by myself today to which was cool....I went to like a gas station/convenience store and bought my first coke here in hokido...and let me just tell you it tasted like HEAVEN!!!! they drink tea here at every meal, with no sugar, which takes some getting used to, but it's not too bad....things here in Hokido are definitely cheaper than Tokyo...which is understandable....ok to really to explain things I need to take some pictures to give everyone an idea of just what this house looks like, because it reminds me of the small houses they probably built back in the early 1900's. Their house is all on the second floor....and they have a seperate room for the toilet, and seperate room for the sink...(actually the sink is not really separate from anything...it is only separated by a curtain.....and the bath is separate and quite interesting.....the Japanese people like to soak and take LONG HOT baths....now let me tell you it is HOT....well it's pretty much boiling water in a tub that you jump into!!! because the pastor here at the church doesn't have the shower hooked up....it's all baths, or bucket baths, because the water really is too hot for me!!!! YIKES!! I don't want my skin to fall off just yet!!! ok so that about explains most things here....there truly is BEAUTIFUL landscape here....and mountains in the background....which I feel like this place could be put in Colorado and be fine except for the language and food!!! :) the pastor here is also really really cool because yesterday at church he got down with the teens and started playing the bass guitar!!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!! Pray for me!!! I hope the church gets a lot of people for English classes!! I'm hoping for 20 people!!! I love and miss you all!!!!! In Jesus' name!!!! AMEN!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 13th 2010 From Hokido, Japan

WOW!! I have officially been in Japan 6 days...the time has flown by, but hasn't...if that makes any sense...the days seem really long like they take a week...but when you look back it's like a week flashes by!! my experience so far has been....interesting to say the least!!! LORDY LORDY!!! but it has been good as well!! Hokido is definitely different from Tokyo...lots of farming here...they call Hokido the breadbasket of Japan...I have seen so many rice fields...so I believe it!! but my heart is still in Tokyo somewhat...where there are so many people, looking searching....I see on the bus and train so many lost people...on the elevator, in shops...but I'm reminded of what Pastor Ricky and Pastor Grogan have said...we have to show people around the world, wherever we are at, that they matter to Jesus, who paid a price for them already, whether they know it or not....I couldn't help but see people searching....but it is hard here in Japan as Pastor Yoshi Urchimura said....how do you talk to someone in Japan, not out of poverty...Japan is SOO affluent....I saw more people in business suits than ever in my lifetime...probably enough suits to fill three malls the size of champaign marketplace mall for sure!!! so they're not so poor...and what about religion....ummm....I will finish this later I need to go to bed.....I have to remember...I am not here for myself...but working for Jesus.... God is good!!! ALL the time!! and ALL the time...God is good!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I don't think the Christian life is meant to be lived out, just in church or just on Sundays, but the Christian life is just that....LIFE.......things happen, we get upset, sad, mad, happy, but the more I realize that I don't ever have to live my life alone the more my life has meaning, and direction....I wonder if a person can ever get too much of God??!!!

I was thinking about life: a bunch of everyday experiences, that make life fun and interesting....but we need as Christians to think about how we experience GOD in our everyday life too....but that is part of the problem....a lot of people, myself included lack experiences, or maybe lack the willingness to try to experience something new, to "step out in faith"....It's like this...you can tell a child all day long how to tie their shoe, but until they experience tying their shoe for themselves it will never be a reality for them ever!! so...until we experience God, all we can do is live our Christian life vicariously through someone else like telling someone about Mint Chocolate chip ice cream but never giving them any.....I used to think this.... "oh that's great for them, that's exactly what God made them for....but what about me??" sometimes I think it's a lack of faith or trust....not trusting or "experiencing" the plan God has made for you and me, God knows... HE KNOWS what he is doing....and HE who began a good work in us, will carry it out until the day of completion... (I think I need that verse posted somewhere where I can read it every morning for 6 months straight!)

Another Thought-Sidenote-about Christian Life Experiences

I just want to say since going to Stone Creek my life has never been the same...it's like my heartbeat, my walk is different...it's like I really do want to find out what God is all about and what He wants me to do with my life....It's like I'm on this journey, this walk with God...and I never want it to stop!!! I never want things to get old to me, or stop having the child-like wonder, like a little preschooler when you tell them Santa Claus is coming to their own house, and they stay awake all night to see what presents they received from Santa. Lord may serving you never get old, or boring!!! Lord I love You, I choose You, Your mercies are new EVERY morning!!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Life and Stuff #1

So this blog/post is just about what I've been thinking while driving my car...(believe it or not a lot of crazy conversations between God and I have taken place in the car!!)

I was just thinking today, what a big lie it is that people think the Christian Life is all nice and easy: and just full of peaches and cream, with maraschino cherries on top. DUDE!! the Christian life wasn't meant to make life so you never have any hard times, or never have any bad things happen....but it DOES make it where there will always be Jesus to be there with us when the storms and bad things in life come around. It says in the bible, in John Chapter 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in ME you will have peace....In this world you WILL have trouble, BUT take heart for I have overcome the world!!"

We will never have to go through the storms of life by ourselves if we have Jesus. I know for me when life gets crazy that's when I lean on Jesus who is always there: Jesus is like my safety net for when I fall! Today was one of those days when I just needed Jesus plain and simple! It was like I needed Jesus, so much like I needed to take a breath of air. Jesus will give you peace when the world will leave you high and dry, and empty! Jesus is my comfort, He's my go to man, with the right plan, who's related to Stan! :) Jesus will never leave me, and I will never have to live life on my own again! WOW! talk about taking the pressure off...Dude I need to be reminded that Jesus has the whole picture, like the whole world in his hands....which hurts my brain to think about how big Jesus must be, (especially late at night!!) so if Jesus has the whole world, He's got me and my ideas, dreams, jobs and future life all figured out! All I have to do it just live it out, but WITH Him helping me!!

When I became a Christian I gave up my old way of life to pursue this life with Jesus, wherever it takes me, and whatever I do!!! I'm whole hoggin it for Jesus!!!! :) hee-hee-hee!!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Ok so I know this blog for me is kind of a way to write about life, and journal, for others to read and be encourged.

So Today....I'm just very Thankful. My heart is full of thanks for people. So many people have come into my life for whatever reason, but I see God working through them, and through me. Today I am thankful for family, for church family.....things have just made me think of my grandpa, who I miss today....He would always pray the same prayer...."Our father we come before you with a thankful hearts, for the wonderful day and the great blessing....Thankful for family, thankful for the food...Thankful for Chrissy, Thankful for Lorie, Be with those who are sick, care for them, help them, be with those we should pray for, bless them, In Thy name we pray...Amen" It was always the same prayer he would pray just about every time. I just am full of thanks, no other way to put it!!! I'm so thankful for Jesus, for His unfailing love, How He picks me up, gives me His assurance....I love it!!!! Lord I'm thankful, thankful for friends, for family, for my job, for church, for teachers I work with. Lord I love you, I want to walk with you, and In You my life is complete. Thank you Jesus for your blood sacrifice for me on the cross, thank you for the love and desires you have put in my life. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!! May I praise you all the days of my life Jesus!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

About Being Selfish

Hey everyone!!

I hope your day was great!!! Because God truly is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good!! AMEN!!! AMEN!!!!

You know how when you're around people and all the talk about is themselves and they never seem to really listen to what you have to say.....I feel that is how it is sometimes with our relationship with God...I feel lately like I have a big huge ball of me...(kind of like the big balls of rubber bands wrapped up, if you've ever seen them before at Walmart or Target)....like a ball of chaos and confusion, or like a mis-combobulated contraption that doesn't fully serve it's intended purpose....so God has to gently pull apart the individual rubber bands of SELF, so he can put HIS one and only band (Jesus and His HS) around and through me and in me to use me as I have never even thought of, or imagined. I realize I have to let go of my life completely and let God do His thing, His perfect will and purpose for my life....I have to lose my own vision and have God's vision that's mapped out for my life. I did not come into this world alone, and I don't understand why I would think that I can do and live my life for my own way, or my own purpose, when I will fail miserably. Jesus is all that I need, truth be told. Keep it simple christian!!!!!! AAHH!!!!!

Philippians 4:19 says:

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

As long as I have Jesus, I will never have to walk through life alone, ever!!!! I just think that is SOO AWESOME!!!!! so that means God knows my needs, and he not only wants to; but the bible says God WILL meet all my needs!!!! It's cool to think that everyday when I go to work, home, eat, and yes even sleep....I'm never alone!!! God is like this friend you can always count on, and a person who understands me for me....and gets me and my craziness at times :) Thank You Lord for never leaving me alone, for never forsaking me!!!! This Life God has created for us to live, in submission to Him, is by far the craziness and coolest decision I think I've ever made in my entire life!!!!! DUDE!!!!! JESUS IS MY HOME-BOY!!!!!!!

Jesus help me to stop being selfish....to put aside my own ambitions and go hard after what you would have me to do!!! Help me not to gaze at my problems and glance at you....but rather gaze at YOU LORD, and just glace at my problems!!!!! I love you Jesus forever and ever!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

So.....what are you giving up for lent??!!!

Hey folks!!!!!!

God is good....All the time...and all the time....God is good!!!!! I guess today I've just been thinking about doing more for God....drawing closer to Him.....I think today was just a good day to think about that...well today being Fat Tuesday....but also because I found myself in the last few weeks spending more time on face book, and I feel like I've been putting God on hold......it's like one day a few weeks ago I was going to read the bible...but I was on face book....and I'm like, "sure I'll get to that God...give me just a few minutes" and a few minutes turned into over an hour, and I was almost late to choir practice because of it!! GEEZ!! WHO KNEW face book could be so addicting....not that I'm saying facebook is the devil in a red suit with a pitchfork or anything, but just I think it can be a distraction from devoting time with God each day....even this morning I had to tell myself I'm going to try to not be on facebook....and it worked for awhile :) so....in essence I'm saying all that to say that I am going to give up facebook except on Fridays for lent, and also eating out completely!!! HELP ME JESUS!!!! LORDY LORDY LOOK WHO'S FORTY!!! :) I feel that's what God is pushing me to do....I just want people to pray and think about....what are you going to give up for lent??!! I want God to do amazing things in my life this year...and it starts by me taking a step toward Him, a small sacrifice....God will take our little and turn it into a WHOLE HUGE lot...if only we give it to him first.....without the kicking and screaming :) hee-hee!!

Quote by Elder Cloward

"The key to faith is what we are willing to sacrifice to obtain it."

I will have to update this blog, and let people know how this goes!!!! Kinda a little crazy for me to do this!!!! YIKES!!!!! But God is a good God and will help us in our time of need!!! AMEN!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Open Doors, Closed Doors

I totally believe that God opens and closes doors in our lives for specific reasons.... but I think I've realized that when one door closes, for whatever reason it happens, another door opens right around the corner....actually sometimes right in the midst of where we are standing....like for instance....when you close the door to your bedroom, you automatically are in another room, whether it be the hallway that leads to the living room, kitchen, or wherever...and also when you open the door to go outside....you are in a whole different ball game....especially with the cold air outside hitting you like a train vs. the warm air inside hitting you like a warm cup of tea with a spoonful of honey. So I think change in inevitable, and we have to ask God to check how we should view changes, how our lives can be impacted, even though changes can be scary at times...God can use those changes to catapult us forward in living closer to Him, and carrying out His plan for our lives. And sometimes...I don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way...but I need Gods guidance...nudging and pushing me sometimes...doors sometimes closing sooner than planned...because otherwise I would be content to sit down in a room in a comfy brown leather sofa...and not want to move, maybe delaying the work God has for me because I'm too content with where I'm at....I don't want to live that way....I want to live life on the edge!!! Live life totally 100 percent where God takes me...not holding anything back....constantly moving forward in a slow journey with Jesus, wherever life goes....I just have to be ready, ready to go and follow wherever The Lord leads me!! I have to be ready!!!!! CARPE DIEM!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What's in a Name....

OK, so for the past week I have really been thinking a lot about names....and what they mean...and even to know my own name and what it means. As a teacher I hear a lot of unique, different, popular, crazy-spellings of children's names...and often wonder WHY...or HOW they got their name, and the story behind it....because believe it or not...there is always a story...just ask almost anyone, and if not...have them ask their parents...because it's a story, let me tell you!! Back in the day before they had sonograms, my parents had went into the hospital with two different names, in case I was a boy.... my mom had picked out my name.....it was to be Seth, and my dad picked out my name if I was a girl, Crystal....ok so not a really BIG story....but there is a lot in a name believe it or not....Just think of the name of Jesus....I believe that once we are a Christian, we are like Christ, a new creation, and He gives us a new name In Him....Just like Simon's name changed to Peter...and Saul's name changed to Paul....we become a new person, with a new name in Christ....that is just SOO COOL to me!!!!! DUDE!!!! I'm glad I'm a new person in Christ!!!! In the bible Philippians 2:9-11 it says this....

"Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father"

Now if God really does mean that..and He does :) ....then truly bend it or break it....we will all bow...every man woman and child....on our knees before God and confess Jesus as Lord....now there is some CRAZY power in His name!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Books Transform

Books really do transform people.....and the most important book of all that has changed more lives than anything else on the earth is the Bible!!! Woo-Hoo!!!! Hello somebody!!!! I love reading the bible....because somedays I can only read like one versus and I'm like......ok Jesus....You gotta work on me there....but sometimes I can read chapters, and like still want to know more...it's like I want to be in the pages, in the action....like I seriously want to see David...defeating Goliath...and what his sling-shot looked like, like was it made of like of shoe-strings.....and twigs??!!!!(because I'm sure there wasn't the local Farm and Fleet, or Walmart to buy supplies at!!!! AND I wonder just how big was the rock he threw at Goliath??!!! AAAHH!!!!! HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE TO SEE!!!! OH MAN!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! and just to be able to see the faces of some of the coolest people in the Bible!!! oh man, they better have an introduction of people in heaven....cause that would just be AWESOME TO THE MAX, but then I'd probably get confused, and start calling everyone by numbers or calling everyone Dorthy!!!!! LORDY LORDY LOOK WHO'S FORTY!!!

I just really with-in the last two years, have really loved to read books.....but it's kind of crazy because in college I don't think I never read but maybe like 2 or 3 books!!! but I totally believe the saying....Leaders are Readers.....the more you Know...the more you will Grow...and then Go and tell others about the books that have changed your life!! There is Power in books....but there is a crazy DIVINE POWER...in God's written Word!!!! DUDE!!!! that makes me want to have and IV full of the Scriptures pumped into me....so I can remember them, and quote scripture to help people in need and encouragement, well and also to help myself too.

What's a good book that you would recommend to others?? I'm interested to know!! :)

"Books are standing counselors and preachers, always at hand,
and always disinterested; having this advantage over oral instructors,
that they are ready to repeat their lesson as often as we please".
~ Oswald Chambers ~

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

DUDE!!!! BRO!!!! WOAH!!!!!

Today I just want to write about confidence....what that means....how it has taken on new meaning for me......

It's hard to put it down into words...but I'm just trying to be real.....I dunno how sometimes it sounds when I put things down on paper either!!! AAAHH!!! but I'm going to try....at least I think this blog will help me, because I have so many things that I want to share with people, and don't know how....so this blog will help :) hopefully!! I guess I just want to say that I got back today a critique on how I was teaching my class...I didn't think it was going to be a good one...as a teacher I am my own worst critic....but I had prayed about it earlier in the week, and that day...and I really felt confident, and not a bit nervous....which was kind of weird to begin with...oh...and yes!! I had other people praying for me too!! AND SO.....I got back a good critique, which was a little surprising...but when i went through it and read it....it was as if God was saying...I knew you could do it all along!!!! God, I am not worthy enough to be a teacher....but You have put me here....and I want to the best job with what you have given me!!! I truly do!!!! God is just Awesome!!! Hands down the coolest dad EVER!!!! knows just what to say, when to say it to me!!!! Not much else to say but God is awesome!!! and that He will truly give you confidence, and peace about things....4-shizzle!!!!!! especially when you ask!!!!! :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

MY FIRST BLOG....ummmm......I LOVE LIFE!!!!!!

OK.......so just to preface....ummmm....THIS POST was suppose to be the first one....but I made like three different web-site/blogs, and didn't understand why they weren't all connected on one page!! I really needed April's help with this, since technology kind of freaks me out a little....(only when things don't go right...then I get where I need a brown bag to breathe in for hyperventilation or something!!!) AAAAHHH!! but hey it only took me since end of November to figure it out...so hey!! I'm improving to say the least!!!! ok so...just PRETEND this blog was the first one...and everything will be smooth as butter!!!!!

Hey everyone!!! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!! I really truly did!! It was a lot of fun, just to hang out with friends and family!!! People truly are the spice of life!!!! So this is my first blog EVER!!! never would I really ever think to do one of these...but I guess it's time :) I really don't know what to write....except to say that this year 2009 has literally FLOWN by!!!!! seriously!!! It's like it all happens so fast....January to December....but we have to make the most of every opportunity!!!! a good quote...."You will always miss 100% of the opportunities you don't take.......I can just say this year has been the coolest and the bestest in some aspects....God is SOOO INCREDIBLY GOOD!!! I have learned and lot...still have a lot to learn....Have grown in my faith...seen things, done things, learned things...cried a lot about things...I never would have ever dreamed of if it wouldn't have been for God....He is my all in all...He knows my name...my every thought....He is the only one who gives love unconditionally.....He is my rock...I can put all the eggs in the world in His basket and they will never get cracked!!!! :) I love Jesus....so much....I think I have a lot of love for people....I don't know....I want to love people...I want to believe the best for people....and I do that by praying...I have prayed more than I ever have in my entire life this year....and God has done things I never imagined!!!! This year has had ups and downs....but that's just a part of life.....I don't think I would of made it through this year without God...He is my friend, who is always there no matter what time of day, no matter what day I've had...He sees everything, and hears everything....and He still loves me through it all....I want to live my life like Jesus.....showing people what He has shown me....His unconditional love....the bible says....LOVE COVERS A MULTITUDE OF SINS....and I truly believe that....Jesus loved us so much...He gave his life because of His love....John 3:16 FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE....I LOVE THAT!!!! Hillsong sings this song "Show me how to love like you have loved me....Hosanna.....Hosanna....Hosanna in the Highest!!!!!" JESUS I LOVE YOU WITH EVERYTHING THAT I AM!!!!! I PRAY THAT THE ENTIRE WORLD WOULD KNOW AND EXPERIENCE YOUR UNFAILING LOVE!!!!!

HELP!!! or maybe just Help....so one can think.....

Today I just felt kind of hurt…..well like I had hurt God….I wish I had listened to advice from Godly people, instead of doing my own thing and putting things ahead of God….and I mean this could be anything for people…..facebook, too much tv, too much internet, staying up to late, not reading my bible, not praying…it’s like the everyday stress of life crowds our time with God…or things we think that is more important….I realize how selfish we really are…we want everything out way…and we want it NOW!! We can’t wait to have things…it’s like we’re entitled to things, without even asking anyone, or anything…I almost want to tell my kids at school this….”who died and made you King..(or boss)??!” in the bible it says…”look not only to the interest of yourself, but also to the interest of others”…”but in humility, consider others better than yourself”….I sometimes need a huge dose…of just shut up be quite and let others have their way….what I have to say has no importance until I’ve heard others speak…..it’s like a doctor, who takes one look at you, doesn’t ask you ANY questions…like what kind of problem are you having, where does it hurt…and he just gives you any old medicine…or operates on any part of the body HE wants to!!!! GEEZZ!!! Could you even imagine!!!! Yet I just see we go to so many other things in life to fill our own needs, and wonder why things are the way they are in our life without even considering that God who knows ALL ABOUT our problems….has the solution to everything if we just take things to Him, and talk things through with Him…..people think they only need God only on our own terms….but what about God’s terms…..a God who everyday tells us He loves us SOO much…and yet we continue to ignore Him…and go about our day…like he’s not around…I would rather live my life acknowledging and talking about a God who is here with us and loves us….than to live my life like He’s not there…and come to find out after I die…that I missed it…missed out on ALL that God has for me…because I settled on things….earthly things that fade away…that make not ONE bit of difference once we get to heaven and meet our maker…Is God Lord OF all??? Or is He Lord AT all???!!!! One small word makes all difference….One choice…choosing to listen to God, and accept Him in my life….or choosing to reject Him can make all the difference in our life and how we live…….I like the poem by Robert Frost…

To roads diverged in a narrow path…
I took the road less traveled by….
And THAT has made all the difference!!!