Tuesday, August 31, 2010

On my mind...

Here lately there have been many things I've just noticed.....especially sin, and how it's all around us!!! I've seen many people in town, and in different countries wandering aimlessly....lost, not knowing who Jesus is, or how He can transform their lives for eternity.

I think this is a wake up call for Christians. We have a huge job to do!! We have to witness like never before....We never know when our last day will be....and I don't want to be found with a few friends, with my head in the ground, oblivious to the sin and evil that is going on in the world today. God calls us, just the same as He called His disciples 2000 years ago....But you know, the disciples, they just didn't stay in their own comforts, or witness to a few people, they were WORLD CHANGERS!! That is what God is calling us to be when we are His disciples!! Jesus said in Matthew 4:6 and Mark 1:17 "Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men!"

Now, when you want to follow someone, do you rush ahead of them to cut them off in line to the bathroom, or the water fountain?!!! NO!! (only small children do that!!) but what do you do if you follow someone, especially if you are following someone where you have never been in down-town Chicago?? You don't rush ahead for sure...because you would probably either get lost, or get into an traffic accident!!!!

But so many times I think I have rushed ahead of God, and looked back to be like "UMMM HELLO, GOD....WHERE U AT??!!" and He's stopped and made a left turn like 5 miles ago, and I kept on going straight like a know it all!! We have to get behind God and His vision, His purpose, His calling on our lives, and then follow Him closely, like if you were to follow someone to the crime scene, and all you had to go by was their footprints!

We have a job to do....."Come, follow ME and I will make you fishers of MEN!"

1 comment:

  1. It's even crazier when I notice sin in my own life that I never noticed before. Definitely a wakeup call.
