Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday nite...YES I KNOW THE DAY TODAY!!! PTL!!!

Hey everyone this blog probably won't be that long because I had typed a whole thing out, and the firefox internet I was using just crashed and I didn't have time to save anything!! ARGH!! I apologize but hope you will understand!! But here are a few thoughts/experiences I have had about today....hope you will enjoy!!

Today was an awesome day, well this whole week has been a good week, but a week of transition, transition from busy-busy city Tokyo live, to Asahikawa, where there are more trees than people....I jokingly say that though because everything here is MUCH MUCH more spread out than in Tokyo/subarb area and the houses AND streets look much more like they do back home in America....but this week I had Fukumori sensei's son come and help with translation, and get me around places in town here...and BOY did I need the help....please pray for me, as next week I will not have any to interpret, but will have to work harder to understand Fukumori sensei and his wife and what they want me to do....I only know about 10 words that I can pronounce and use correctly....I also realize it is important to make sure Fukumori sensei's wife is well taken care of...and realized this week that she makes a lot of the decisions around the house, and always keeps track of the checkbook, and it's interesting to me because the Fukumori family does not go out to eat....I have not been out to eat since I came here seven days ago...which is fine by me, because let me just tell you Fukumori sensei's wife cooks HUGE meals....FOR EVERY MEAL!!!! and the bad thing is, is that almost all the food is really good...except for the soy I will not go hungry by ANY means....Mrs. Fukumori cooks almost a 5 course meal, for every meal!! and I am the permanent professional dishwarsher....for every lunch and every dinner, everyday of the week until I leave!!

So today was interesting because I was able to go to a Bakery store, that was in a person's house...and all the bread was homemade...the onion cheese bread was SO AMAZING and SO FRESH!!!! I didn't realize how much I missed bread!! Then we went to a cake store....where there pretty amazing cakes, chocolate, mouses, pies, and even cheesecake!!! YUM!! Also today I taught an English class, and also had a kids class, I didn't realize how much little tyke's LOVE balloons!! :) I also realize the people here LOVE to look at pictures!! :)

The Fukumori family I am staying with is pretty AMAZING!!! Fukumori sensei has 5 children that are older....either in college or married....and it is pretty cool that their 2 daughters travel home every single weekend with gas being over 6 US dollars/gallon to go to church and help out with worship, and with the children's church!!! A lot of Americans to go church when they are young, but once they get to college they quit going all together...more Americans need to be dedicated to a local church like their family!!!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers if you read this....That by far is the most coolest thing anyone could do for me!!! I truly am having a fun time here....but realize there are people hurting and dying and need to know who Jesus is, and how much He loves each and every one of us!! Also pray that I continue to be disciplined in reading my bible and praying was really cool to vacuum the other day downstairs, where the old church used to be....and I had heard earlier people getting up and moving things outside...but didn't realize til I went downstairs that the pastor and his wife were getting up early to pray....and I went downstairs to vacuum, and found the little pillows they had used to sit on while they prayed!!! Pretty cool!!! I just want the church here to grow...I want seeds to be planted, and lives to be changed, but all for GOD'S GLORY!!! Jesus give me strength!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is all so exciting, Crystal! :D

    I'm glad you're having so much fun. I bet it's a nice change being in a place that remind you a little more of home, huh? :)

    And as far as the lack of interpreters will be AMAZED at how much you can understand with playing the charades game! haha!
    It'll be easier t understand each other than you think. Just use a lot of gestures and a lot of facial expressions...and drawings, if you have any. You can do this, hon! :)

    We'll keep praying for you~
