Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Books Transform

Books really do transform people.....and the most important book of all that has changed more lives than anything else on the earth is the Bible!!! Woo-Hoo!!!! Hello somebody!!!! I love reading the bible....because somedays I can only read like one versus and I'm like......ok Jesus....You gotta work on me there....but sometimes I can read chapters, and like still want to know more...it's like I want to be in the pages, in the action....like I seriously want to see David...defeating Goliath...and what his sling-shot looked like, like was it made of like of shoe-strings.....and twigs??!!!!(because I'm sure there wasn't the local Farm and Fleet, or Walmart to buy supplies at!!!! AND I wonder just how big was the rock he threw at Goliath??!!! AAAHH!!!!! HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE TO SEE!!!! OH MAN!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! and just to be able to see the faces of some of the coolest people in the Bible!!! oh man, they better have an introduction of people in heaven....cause that would just be AWESOME TO THE MAX, but then I'd probably get confused, and start calling everyone by numbers or calling everyone Dorthy!!!!! LORDY LORDY LOOK WHO'S FORTY!!!

I just really with-in the last two years, have really loved to read books.....but it's kind of crazy because in college I don't think I never read but maybe like 2 or 3 books!!! but I totally believe the saying....Leaders are Readers.....the more you Know...the more you will Grow...and then Go and tell others about the books that have changed your life!! There is Power in books....but there is a crazy DIVINE POWER...in God's written Word!!!! DUDE!!!! that makes me want to have and IV full of the Scriptures pumped into me....so I can remember them, and quote scripture to help people in need and encouragement, well and also to help myself too.

What's a good book that you would recommend to others?? I'm interested to know!! :)

"Books are standing counselors and preachers, always at hand,
and always disinterested; having this advantage over oral instructors,
that they are ready to repeat their lesson as often as we please".
~ Oswald Chambers ~

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