Thursday, January 14, 2010

HELP!!! or maybe just one can think.....

Today I just felt kind of hurt…..well like I had hurt God….I wish I had listened to advice from Godly people, instead of doing my own thing and putting things ahead of God….and I mean this could be anything for people…..facebook, too much tv, too much internet, staying up to late, not reading my bible, not praying…it’s like the everyday stress of life crowds our time with God…or things we think that is more important….I realize how selfish we really are…we want everything out way…and we want it NOW!! We can’t wait to have things…it’s like we’re entitled to things, without even asking anyone, or anything…I almost want to tell my kids at school this….”who died and made you King..(or boss)??!” in the bible it says…”look not only to the interest of yourself, but also to the interest of others”…”but in humility, consider others better than yourself”….I sometimes need a huge dose…of just shut up be quite and let others have their way….what I have to say has no importance until I’ve heard others speak…’s like a doctor, who takes one look at you, doesn’t ask you ANY questions…like what kind of problem are you having, where does it hurt…and he just gives you any old medicine…or operates on any part of the body HE wants to!!!! GEEZZ!!! Could you even imagine!!!! Yet I just see we go to so many other things in life to fill our own needs, and wonder why things are the way they are in our life without even considering that God who knows ALL ABOUT our problems….has the solution to everything if we just take things to Him, and talk things through with Him…..people think they only need God only on our own terms….but what about God’s terms…..a God who everyday tells us He loves us SOO much…and yet we continue to ignore Him…and go about our day…like he’s not around…I would rather live my life acknowledging and talking about a God who is here with us and loves us….than to live my life like He’s not there…and come to find out after I die…that I missed it…missed out on ALL that God has for me…because I settled on things….earthly things that fade away…that make not ONE bit of difference once we get to heaven and meet our maker…Is God Lord OF all??? Or is He Lord AT all???!!!! One small word makes all difference….One choice…choosing to listen to God, and accept Him in my life….or choosing to reject Him can make all the difference in our life and how we live…….I like the poem by Robert Frost…

To roads diverged in a narrow path…
I took the road less traveled by….
And THAT has made all the difference!!!

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