Thursday, January 14, 2010

MY FIRST BLOG....ummmm......I LOVE LIFE!!!!!! just to preface....ummmm....THIS POST was suppose to be the first one....but I made like three different web-site/blogs, and didn't understand why they weren't all connected on one page!! I really needed April's help with this, since technology kind of freaks me out a little....(only when things don't go right...then I get where I need a brown bag to breathe in for hyperventilation or something!!!) AAAAHHH!! but hey it only took me since end of November to figure it hey!! I'm improving to say the least!!!! ok so...just PRETEND this blog was the first one...and everything will be smooth as butter!!!!!

Hey everyone!!! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!! I really truly did!! It was a lot of fun, just to hang out with friends and family!!! People truly are the spice of life!!!! So this is my first blog EVER!!! never would I really ever think to do one of these...but I guess it's time :) I really don't know what to write....except to say that this year 2009 has literally FLOWN by!!!!! seriously!!! It's like it all happens so fast....January to December....but we have to make the most of every opportunity!!!! a good quote...."You will always miss 100% of the opportunities you don't take.......I can just say this year has been the coolest and the bestest in some aspects....God is SOOO INCREDIBLY GOOD!!! I have learned and lot...still have a lot to learn....Have grown in my faith...seen things, done things, learned things...cried a lot about things...I never would have ever dreamed of if it wouldn't have been for God....He is my all in all...He knows my every thought....He is the only one who gives love unconditionally.....He is my rock...I can put all the eggs in the world in His basket and they will never get cracked!!!! :) I love much....I think I have a lot of love for people....I don't know....I want to love people...I want to believe the best for people....and I do that by praying...I have prayed more than I ever have in my entire life this year....and God has done things I never imagined!!!! This year has had ups and downs....but that's just a part of life.....I don't think I would of made it through this year without God...He is my friend, who is always there no matter what time of day, no matter what day I've had...He sees everything, and hears everything....and He still loves me through it all....I want to live my life like Jesus.....showing people what He has shown me....His unconditional love....the bible says....LOVE COVERS A MULTITUDE OF SINS....and I truly believe that....Jesus loved us so much...He gave his life because of His love....John 3:16 FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE....I LOVE THAT!!!! Hillsong sings this song "Show me how to love like you have loved me....Hosanna.....Hosanna....Hosanna in the Highest!!!!!" JESUS I LOVE YOU WITH EVERYTHING THAT I AM!!!!! I PRAY THAT THE ENTIRE WORLD WOULD KNOW AND EXPERIENCE YOUR UNFAILING LOVE!!!!!

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