Saturday, July 10, 2010


Hey folks,

I hope you are having an AMAZING day!!! If not....just look around you, go outside, listen to the birds, see the flowers, God made this day, and EVERY day for us to enjoy!!! :) We are a blessed nation for sure!!

I just want to update everyone on how things are going here for me, and what I've been doing the last few days. Today is Sunday...A team of 5 college students came over from Sapparo, about 2 hours away, to help out with the Bazaar this weekend, and to put on a kids' camp for the church!!! and I had NO idea what was going on...or to to be happening, or how I was to help out...but it turned out better than what I even expected!! Friday afternoon these students came, and were just serving helping to clean the church, and spending time decorating and cooking food for the was just so cool to see them working, and I dunno, it almost put me to shame, seeing them work so hard, and me, I had no idea what to do...I helped out a little, nothing like what they did.....this team even brought puppets, and also did a skit for the kids too!! SO COOL! so all evening they were setting up, Saturday they came to help finish getting the church ready...probably over 70 kids came from all over town, some just to get food, but they indeed got more :) (at least they heard about Jesus!!) While the students came and paid to get all kinds of good home-made Japanese food....fried bread, crepes, Japanese noodles, Tacoyaki...(fried octopus) icecream, curry w/ rice, hotcake, juices, caramel corn, and home made cotton candy!! So much food...but also skits and stories about Jesus, and we practiced and sand two songs from sister Act II Joyful Joyful and O Happy Day....It was awesome!!! I only wish I could have video of it!!! SO FUN, AND FUNNY TOO!! :) and then, we had the kids back at 7pm to go to the chapel/church on the hill, to start camp, and hear message from the students from the university....and then today the students did human video in church....SO COOL!! I will have to put up videos for everyone to see!! It was a blast this weekend, probably the coolest thing I've seen or done yet!! God is moving in Japan, just pray for strongholds in shrines to be broken!!!! God has so much in store for this country!!!! I know it!!!

I probably have learned over 10 lessons about life and ministry in this weekend see ministry done by another Japanese church/college ministry was just amazing to watch, and see how they reach their own people....we Americans think we have it all figured out about how to evangelize people....when sometimes we forget to hear from God on how HE wants to use us to spread His Word to people of all nations throughout the world. I learned the importance of prayer....Prayer, really is like forgetting to take your umbrella with you in the midst or a huge down poor...or forgetting to put on sandals, when there is a blizzard going on outside....We have to be prepared, for whatever the day ahead faces...and can I just tell you, without prayer, you can easily get knocked in the face!!

All I know, is that after watching this family for over a month, I have watched them pray, for just about everything, before EVERY meal....(um, and yes sometimes they even sing a song before they pray too) and even before they put the key in the ignition of their car, they pray for safety, and the pastor gets up EARLY every morning to pray....they are a praying family.....and God sees and hears our prayers....and surely answers us, in one way or another.....What if your prayers really did change your life, and every people around the world?? Would that change the way you pray or how your pray or what you pray for??!!! The bible says we have not, because we ask not. Have you asked....or prayed or talked to God today?!

God will answer you if you but ask....Matth 6:33 Seek first The Kingdom of God and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! another great testimony. Your account of all that food makes me miss my time in Tokyo!
