Tuesday, August 31, 2010

On my mind...

Here lately there have been many things I've just noticed.....especially sin, and how it's all around us!!! I've seen many people in town, and in different countries wandering aimlessly....lost, not knowing who Jesus is, or how He can transform their lives for eternity.

I think this is a wake up call for Christians. We have a huge job to do!! We have to witness like never before....We never know when our last day will be....and I don't want to be found with a few friends, with my head in the ground, oblivious to the sin and evil that is going on in the world today. God calls us, just the same as He called His disciples 2000 years ago....But you know, the disciples, they just didn't stay in their own comforts, or witness to a few people, they were WORLD CHANGERS!! That is what God is calling us to be when we are His disciples!! Jesus said in Matthew 4:6 and Mark 1:17 "Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men!"

Now, when you want to follow someone, do you rush ahead of them to cut them off in line to the bathroom, or the water fountain?!!! NO!! (only small children do that!!) but what do you do if you follow someone, especially if you are following someone where you have never been in down-town Chicago?? You don't rush ahead for sure...because you would probably either get lost, or get into an traffic accident!!!!

But so many times I think I have rushed ahead of God, and looked back to be like "UMMM HELLO, GOD....WHERE U AT??!!" and He's stopped and made a left turn like 5 miles ago, and I kept on going straight like a know it all!! We have to get behind God and His vision, His purpose, His calling on our lives, and then follow Him closely, like if you were to follow someone to the crime scene, and all you had to go by was their footprints!

We have a job to do....."Come, follow ME and I will make you fishers of MEN!"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I feel a....blog coming on!!! :)


I feel like I could blog and talk about this day, and so many things that happened, both good and bad, it would take like 4 or 5 pages to tell....but I will try to summarize.....

My life verse for today: Philippians 2:3 Do not be selfish: don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.

I think a lot of today has to deal with being selfish, and wanting things for selfish motives and reasons. I think all I need to know is that I am a sinner, in need of a savior, Jesus Christ. In the bible Philippians 2:5-7 "You must have the same attitude that Jesus Christ had, though he was God, he did not think of equality of God as something to be cling to, Instead he gave up his divine privileges and was born as a human being, When he appeared in human form he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal's death on a cross."

Jesus was Self-less, not Self-ish I think selfishness is the root of a lot sins we commit today....we steal, cheat, lie, attack others, have anger, bitterness, envy, and pride issues, because we are selfish, and want to make ourselves look better than what we are, or we truly don't know who we are, because we don't look to God as the source of our identity from the get go.

Ok I confess.....My feelings were hurt. I feel left out, not belonging to any group or anything....so you think...no big deal, so what, get over it......and you're right for thinking that....ya know that's just life, people hurt you, whether on purpose or by accident.....but still they hurt you.....and sometimes when it's friends....it takes a while to let it all go, and look at the person, not based on anything previous....to truly forgive and forget.....all I can say is that throughout my life I need a lot of people to forgive me, because I've made many many mistakes, many things I have said wrong......and the only thing to do...is to forgive....I have to do my part to make amends, to admit I am wrong, to say I'm sorry....and to repent. but that in case: It is easier said than done.....but I truly believe that in order to forward in our spiritual lives we must learn the lesson of forgiveness. Lack of forgiveness creates a crack or hole in our spiritual walk with God that will continue to grow until it is mended or taken care of. Jesus....help me to learn the power of true forgiveness.

Genesis 50:17

This is what you are to say to Joseph: I ask you to forgive your brothers the sins and the wrongs they committed in treating you so badly.' Now please forgive the sins of the servants of the God of your father." When their message came to him, Joseph wept.

Forgiveness is something we need to do: As Joseph's brother did in the bible, humbling as it was.....we are do that to others, weather they need it or not, whether we feel like it or not.....better to forgive sooner than later.....As God has forgiven us, so we should forgive others.....I know it is easier said than done, but better done than not done. Lord forgive me of my selfishness today!!!

Over and Out,


Monday, August 9, 2010

Realizing things about life a little at a time today :)

Hey folks!!

I'm blogging again. I feel like maybe I should be blogging more, and I would but I don't have my computer around or internet access to do so, at the moment I am thinking "ohh, I should blog about this..." but ok here goes about today's story. Let me first preface though, I just came back from Japan not even a week ago, still a little jet lagged, (everyday I want to take a 2 hour siesta) hee-hee!! but I have applied for over 6 teaching jobs, waiting to hear back, and so I had an interview for one of the jobs here, and I think it went ok. I don't think I'm the best at interviews, but it is over now....but the story I want to share happened just before my interview. I was talking to my sister on the phone in the parking lot (probably people driving by thought I was a little weird, but anywhoo...) and I was like just pray for me right now! and she did, and then I was a little less nervous about the interview, and then I said something, I don't even know where it came from....I think Pastor Grogan has said this before, but I said it out loud to my sister.... "ya know I'm working for Jesus if I get this job or not....whatever I do, I gotta work for Jesus....because I was just talking to her about how I wanted to just share Jesus' love and his salvation with other people, doing ministry full time, that's where I think God is leading me, that is my heart's cry, I truthfully want nothing else in life.....but when I said that to my sister, she was like "yea you're right!" and I can't even explain the confidence I had come over me, like this peace, that everything would be alright no matter what, no matter if everything in life came down on me!!

I have to be working for Jesus wherever I am at, like at church, at school, at my job, in class, cleaning the apartment, to be working for Jesus, and do things right and do them with excellence. I want excellence in all that I do for Jesus, not just a little work here, and a little there.....dude...Jesus deserves my best and so do other people, and my job, and everything else in life. Jesus has given me new life, and I am do be a steward in ALL that I do, and do it unto the Lord....the bible says in Galatians "whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God!" DUDE!!! JESUS IS THE SWEETEST THING!!!!!!!! :)

Over and Out,

aka pdiddy
aka pudd